Military Families

Milirtary Star School logo

West Lowndes Elementary School strives to meet all military students' and their families' needs.  We are privileged to live in a town that respects and honors the military.  As a school, we understand the unique situations that our military students encounter, and we want military families to know we are here to help.  Several of our staff members are military families themselves and they understand the challenges that face these students and their families.  Please do not hesitate to contact Alicia Cockrell, School Counselor, or Marsha Hill, RTI Coordinator for more information.  They can be reached by email or phone at: or  

662-244-5055, 662-244-5057 or 662-244-5050

WLE yearly events to honor our military community:

September 11th:  Every year on this day, we encourage our staff and students to wear patriotic colors.  We also have a reading and a moment of silence in remembrance of those who lost their lives and for those who serve to protect our freedoms.    

Veterans Day: Every year in November, we recognize our Veterans.  The staff and students of West Lowndes Elementary line the hallways with posters, wave flags, and cheer on our veterans as they are escorted to our gymnasium.  After arriving in the gymnasium, we present a program that honors and remembers the sacrifices of our Veterans and hosts a reception afterward.  When the weather permits, the Veterans put on a Motorcycle Parade for the Students.  We LOVE our Veterans!

April is the month of the Military Child!  

During this month, a day will be selected to wear purple.  We will also host an event to celebrate the sacrifices of our military children.  WLE is dedicated to ensuring that all students receive the best education possible.  We will work with military families to ensure military students have everything they need.  

Student Academic Planning:

West Lowndes Elementary is dedicated to ensuring all students receive the best education possible.  We work with military students and their families to ensure their grade level placement meets the academic needs of the student as well as their ability level.  Once they are placed in their grade level, if any adjustments are needed for the academic well-being of the student, the administration will make those changes as need be. 

The Lowndes County School District offers services for all students despite any challenges they might face including learning disabilities.  The district also provides a service for academically gifted students.  Our districts special service department contact information can be found on the Lowndes County Schools webpage.  If you have any questions or concerns, you may email the Special Services Department:

Transition Program:

The school has a student led transition program to assist military students coming into the school.  The West Lowndes Elementary National Beta Club serves as the transition team.  The WLE Beta Club serves as a military peer support system linking new military students with other students and staff within the first day of arrival.  The Beta Club also works to familiarize the new students with the school campus and how the campus operates.

Mental Health Challenges:

A student’s mental health can affect their outlook and behavior and the way they think and feel about themselves and their family life.  The Lowndes County School District provides a Military Counselor housed at one of it’s Elementary Schools.  Should the need arise, the Military & Family Life Counselor will be resourced to West Lowndes Elementary.  The Military and Family Life Counselor will support the military families through the unique challenges of military life by providing counseling.    

Helpful Resource for Military Students and Parents:  

24 hour support through Military One Source

Military Kids Connect
rofessional Development:Every school year, West Lowndes Elementary will invite the Air Force Bases School Liaison to present a Training to the staff on how to identify and respond to the needs of military students and their families.