LCAS Events
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Meet Our Staff
Alternative School
The staff here at the Lowndes County Alternative School is dedicated to helping students grow in both academic and social emotional skills that are vital to student success. Students complete their academic assignments using the Edgenuity website. Social emotional needs are met through daily small group sessions that are facilitated by our staff and daily Social Emotional classes led by our school Counselor, Mrs. Shumpert.

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"Accountability & Transparency lead to student success."
Authority Statement: "I acknowledge that school personnel have been placed in authority over me. They are responsible for my safety and my academic and social education."
The Lowndes County Alternative School (LCAS) typically operates on a 45 Good Day policy. Students must meet daily behavior point goals in order for a school day to qualify as a Good Day. The point requirement increases by 5 at each level.
- Level 1- 70
- Level 2- 75
- Level 3- 80
- Level 4- 85
- Level 5- 90
Core Values:
Be Honest
Be Considerate
Be Safe
Be Patient
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
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