Go to the “Destiny Quest” library program.
The library is open from 7:20-2:55 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
The library is open from 7:20-1:55 on Wednesday.
You must have your student planner with you when you come to the library. Your planner is not only your hall pass, but it also has your library barcode which is necessary for checking out. Furthermore, you will need to write down in your planner when your books are due.
In addition to your textbooks, you may check out 2 library books. These books are due in three weeks. You will be fined .25 per day for each overdue book. Fines for overdue books will be limited to no more than $5.00 per book. Days that the library is not open will not be included in the fine calculation.
Students may renew books if additional time is needed. Students may only renew a book once.
In order to participate in Do Right Day, students must have all textbooks and library books turned in as well as all fines paid.
Students must pay the replacement cost of any book that is lost or severely damaged. A refund will be issued for any book that is found within 90 days of payment.
Students may use Destiny Quest at home or at school to find books in the library, request friends, recommend books, place books on a shelf (read, want to read, have read), request that the librarian order a book (make a wish) and rate books. Go to the school district’s website Click on Destiny Library Manager and choose Caledonia Middle School. Enter your username (MSIS number without the zeros) and password (Lowndes). Students should use appropriate language and use the Report Abuse feature to let the librarian know about any inappropriate language or comments.
Every effort is made to purchase books for the library that are appropriate for middle school students. However, families must ultimately decide what is appropriate for their children to read. We urge students to return any book that they find inappropriate according to their belief system. We want to help our students grow into responsible adults that are able to make wise decisions about the music they listen to, the movies and television shows that they watch, and the books that they read. In all of these situations, students have CHOICES and we want to work with you to help YOUR child make choices that are consistent with YOUR values. Therefore, we mark books with a stamp to indicate that the book contains mature content. Ask to see your child’s book, discuss the content with him/her, or use the web to research the book and determine whether the book is appropriate for your child. One helpful website is
There are 8 computers available for students to use in the library. They have Microsoft Office products and access to the Internet and printing. Students must have a signed Internet Acceptable Use Agreement on file. Any student who violates this agreement will not be allowed to use the computers. Additionally, there are 30 laptops available for use in the library.
Please do not eat, drink, or chew gum in the library.
Please use a quiet voice and do not disturb other students.
Please take care of your textbooks and library books and return them on time and in good condition.
Please ask for help if you need it!